The teams at our Porini Safari Camps and our conservancies in the Masai Mara liaise with the Mara Predator Conservation Programme researchers to support their important work in monitoring lions and cheetahs and to give them access to follow the movements of the big cats within the conservancies which we are involved in managing with our Maasai partners.

The main goals of the Programme are:

  • To help community members and landowners understand and appreciate the role of predators in the ecosystem
  • To ensure that key stakeholders in the Greater Mara Ecosystem consistently utilise sound scientific information to inform conservation strategies
  • To support stable, healthy predator populations in the Greater Mara Ecosystem by providing scientific evidence for conservation action


The Programme’s study area covers the Greater Mara Ecosystem (> 3000 km²) in the south-western corner of Kenya, including the Masai Mara National Reserve and the conservancies surrounding it. Their studies have shown that the Conservancies (including Ol Kinyei, Naboisho and Olare Motorogi) have the greatest density of wild lions in Africa.

Porini Mara Camp is set within Ol Kinyei Conservancy (with access to neighbouring Naboisho Conservancy) and Porini Lion Camp is in Olare Motorogi. Information from sightings by our safari guides taking guests on daily day and night game drives helps the Mara Predator Conservation Programme teams collect data about the location, condition and behaviour of individual lions.


Identifying Lions

The Mara Predator Conservation Programme produces useful information cards with images identifying the individual members of the prides in Ol Kinyei / Naboisho Conservancy and Olare Motorogi Conservancy.

These cards help our guests staying at our Porini Camps to learn more about the lions which have their home territory in these areas and which may be seen on game drives from our camps.

Lions in Ol Kinyei & Naboisho Conservancies

View the ID Cards for the lions seen from Porini Mara Camp, Porini Bush Camp and Gamewatchers Adventure Camp (in Ol Kinyei Conservancy & Naboisho Conservancy).

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Lions in Olare Motorogi Conservancy

View the ID Cards for the lions seen from Porini Lion Camp (in Olare Motorogi Conservancy).

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